Alignment is Essential-The mission statement is the foundation followed by the Vision of the organization, which along with Corporate Values determines Strategy and then finally Tactics.   Once we an organization and how its run, we see in patterns and systems and can address the four main management questions:  What’s Right (keep it); What’s Wrong (fix it); What’s Confusing (clarify it); and What’s Missing (develop it). 


From Seattle to Florida; from Washington DC to Bakersfield CA; from Pittsburgh to Modesto…we’ve seen a lot in our collective years in ministry and business.  We’d love to help you be better.  Sometimes that means coming to your place and doing a full evaluation of your organization.  Sometimes that’s being on contract as a consultant using Zoom or Teams, available when you need us.  Sometimes it means being your sounding board and coaching you through the thick and thin of ministry for a specific season.


We’ve had lots of experience speaking to crowds of 3000 or a leadership team of 10-12.  Whether it’s a specific topic (like parenting, management, theology, or even a secular topic like American History) or a series that we can help with.  We love teaching and are good at it!!  As a former professor in the NW and a part of a teaching team in a couple of “mega” churches…We/I love to help in the teaching role.  Students, Adults, Families…we can help make your event, series, or topic a success.


Executive Experience:  I have been an XP for over 25 years in 3 fairly large churches (7500+ in my last one).  In addition, I’m on the board of a couple of nonprofits (Including Prevention Time), consult several churches/Christian Camps, and have managed a large department in an executive role of a Fortune 100 company.  I can help any organization be better in structure, tactics, and management deliverables.


Team Builder:  I am a natural collaborative leader who engenders confidence in people I lead into a team to accomplish most any goal.  I can help you be a better team builder through some simple philosophies and disciplines.  In addition, I am a certified coach with Intentional Churches (IGP/ChurchOS/Strat-Op), who if appropriate I would refer you to for a deeper transformation of your organization.


Leadership/Management:  I  have worked with a wide variety of Senior Pastors/LP’s; Executive Boards; and SVP’s.  I was trained by the best at VISA/MasterCard and have brought that knowledge to the Ministry/Consulting everywhere I’ve worked.  The S1-D1 principles are extremely easy to employ in almost any organization.


Coaching/Mentoring:  Many XP’s from around the country have come to “job shadow” how I manage ministry.  Small churches and large churches have all called for various reasons, many of which I have coached and/or mentored.  


Project Management:   I

have been the Point Leader on many projects and launches including Campuses, Schools, and Large Building projects.  I can drive any project, consult on any process, and coach any team leader who has the task of building small or large buildings.  My last building…a $8M Student Center that has won numerous awards.  Just ask and I can tell you if I can help.